Open Letter from Haitian Organizations to President Biden

October 27, 2021

To establish the responsibility of the American rulers in the fabrication of the tragic situation in Haiti and to demand the end of American interference in Haitian internal affairs

The President of the United States

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500 

Mr. President,  

We, the signatory organizations and personalities, involved in the search for a Haitian solution to the serious crisis which is destabilizing Haiti, are sending you this correspondence to remind you of the level of responsibility of the American rulers in the fabrication of the scandalous situation in Haiti and to demand the end of American interference in Haitian internal affairs.  

As President of the United States, you do know the current dramatic state of Haiti. However, we would like to point out a number of facts highlighting the responsibility of the imperialist powers in general and of the United States of America in particular in the current multidimensional crisis of Haiti: its diplomatic isolation for 60 years following the victory of the native army (1802 -1804) over the slave and colonialist armies, the sacking, the theft by the American administration of its gold reserves on December 17, 1914, foreshadowing the manifest desire to seize the country’s wealth during the occupation of Haiti from 1915 to 1934, the destruction of Haitian institutions after 1915, the massacres of resistant peasants from 1915 to 1920, the undue payment to France of an alleged independence debt of 150 million gold francs, the recent squandering of around 6,43 billion US dollars by Bill Clinton and allies, after the 2010 earthquake, the authorized theft of 4.8 billion US dollars from the PetroCaribe Fund, the imposition of prefabricated heads of state. So many facts confirming the recent declaration of the Dominican politician Narciso Isa Condé namely: Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries and in the 21st, the United States, with France ... destroyed Haiti and considerably impoverished its people."  

 In addition, the application of a set of policies of interference, systematic destabilization, looting, in complicity with corrupt local elites and unwavering support for puppets, criminal and mafia regimes set up by the various American administrations and their tools of domination (the UN, the OAS, the IMF, the Core Group), have greatly contributed to the current collapse of the Haitian state. Worse, this international and local mafia operating under the supervision of ambassadors Michele J. Sison and Helen La Lime orchestrated the gangsterization of the country, thus creating this infernal situation which is forcing thousands of our Haitian brothers and sisters to abandon Haiti, to migrate to the USA, fleeing poverty, kidnapping, and political persecutions.  

 It should be noted that the quest for freedom and well-being of the Haitian people has never weakened. Unable to find this well-being at home, Haitians harbor the illusion of finding it elsewhere. Unfortunately, the inhuman and discriminatory  treatments of Haitian migrants and refugees,  under the Bridges of the Rio Grande, in comparison with the Cubans of Miami or the Afghans currently, confirms, once again, that racism against Haitians is far from over, at the level of the country claiming to be the largest democracy in the world.  

Mr President,  

The time has come to overcome racism and historical hurdles of certain American Administrations towards Haitian refugees by stopping the massive summary expulsions according to international standards, and by respecting the right to self-determination of the Haitian people as stipulated in the first article common to both international covenants:[1]All peoples have the right to self-determination by virtue of which they freely determine their political, economic, social, and cultural development”.

In this sense, the Haitian people is leading a legitimate fight for radical change of the political, economic, and social in favor of the disadvantaged popular masses, opposing the mafia system setup to only guarantee the imperialist powers, multinational corporations, and corrupt local elites’ interests. Therefore, it is imperative to reverse this untenable and unacceptable situation by redefining the relationship of dependence maintained between the International and Haiti, particularly between Haiti and the United States of America.The unspeakable American interference in the internal affairs of Haiti, in total disregard of the Vienna Convention, represents, among other things, a major obstacle to the construction of a sovereign Haiti, prosperous, and master of its destiny. This is one of the main demands of the struggling Haitian people. As indicated by your resigned special envoy, Mr. Foote: "what our Haitian friends really want, and need, is the opportunity to chart their own course, without international puppeteering and favored candidates but with genuine support for that course. I do not believe that Haiti can enjoy stability until its citizens have the dignity of truly choosing their own leaders fairly and acceptably”. 


Mr President,  

The Haitian public opinion was scandalized and amazed on getting the news of Mr. Kenneth Merten’s appointment as Chargé d'Affaires, a zealous supporter of the criminal PHTK regime, the one who, in defiance of diplomatic practices, turned into Michel Martelly’s lawyer. Such a designation confirms both your will not to respect your campaign promises to the Haitian-Americans and the relentlessness of your Administration to walk on the beaten track of the Trump Administration which has blindly supported the corrupt and criminal PHTK regime which has systematically ruined Haiti over the past ten years.  

Mr President,   

 The Haitian people requires a TRANSITION de  RUPTURE with people of integrity, of character symbolizing the rupture in order to establish the bases of the economic, political, social and cultural change which will allow everyone to live henceforth in an equitable, sovereign Haiti.    They do not want humanitarian aid or development aid that envelops, far from effectively developing. They want to continue to walk in the footsteps of the founder of our fatherland, Jean Jacques Dessalines who said: "We have dared to be free, let us dare to be free by ourselves and for ourselves[2]". The Haitian people strongly demand their confiscated independence, their freedom to choose from now on by themselves and for themselves their leaders as well as the political, economic and social orientation to be given to their country.  

Mr President,  

Together with the Hatian people, we, signatory organizations and personalities, require the end of the disguised US tutelage/trusteeship of Haiti through the repeated unnecessary renewal of unsuccessful, unconstitutional, harmful UN missions, bringing misfortune, cholera (MINUSTHA), responsible for the current gangsterization of the country (BINUH ), the end of American interference in the internal affairs of Haiti, a redefinition of the relationship between your country and Haiti. In this perspective, we claim the start of the restitution and reparation process, so that Haiti can once again become the model country that emerged after the 1804 Revolution.  

According to the signatures :


 1)    Josué Mérilien / Konbit Oganizasyon Politik Sendikal ak Popilè yo (KONBIT)

2)    Dominique St Eloi / Centrale Nationale des Ouvriers Haitiens (CNOHA)

3)    Origène Louis / Konfederasyon Nasyonal Tèt Kole Ti Peyizan Ayisyen

4)    David Oxygène / Mouvement de Liberté, d’Egalité des Haïtiens pour la Fraternité (MOLEGHAF)

5)    Camille Chalmers/ Plateforme Haïtienne de Plaidoyer pour un Développement Alternatif (PAPDA)

6)    Rigaud Velumat / Mouvman Revolisyonè Pou Liberasyon Mas yo (MORELIM) / Latibonit 


8)    Jean Lavaud Frederick, Confederation Nationale des Educateurs/trices d’Haiti ( CNEH)

9)    Samuel NESNER / Sosyete Kiltirèl Jèn Ayisyen (SOKIJA) - Nòdwès

10) Augustave Ilesson / Kòdinasyon Oganizasyon Peyizan Basenble (KOPBB)

11) David TILUS / Groupe d’Action Francophone pour l’Environnement (GAFE)

12)  Jacques Charlemagne/Rezo Oganizasyon Zòn Lwès ( ROZO)

13) Jean Mary Janvier/Organisation des Révoltées Haitiens  (ORHA)

14) Guy Robert Gourdet / Rassemblement pour la Formtion et pour une Orientation Novatrice (RAFON)

15) Patrick Hyppolite /Union Nationale des Normaliens/nes d’Haiti ( UNNOH)

16) Fritznel Clerveau / Association des Jeunes Leaders Progressistes Intégrés (AJLPI)

17) Louis Bernard Dor / Fòs Delma 32

18) Pierre Michel Chery/Gwoup RefleksyonFowòm Politik Sosyopwofesyonèl Pwogresis Ayisyen (GR-FPSPA)

19) Cilien Luxenat / Komite Mobilizasyon Lekòl Nòmal  Siperyè

20) Dieunor Danier / Rezo Òganizasyon Bèlfontèn (RÒB)

21) Lainé Louis / Rezo Oganizasyon Marigo

22) Lessage Henry / Kòdinasyon Peyizan Mak- Kavayon (KPM)

23) Camito Sainclair / Respect des Ouvriers Haitiens de Manifacture (ROHAM)

24) Jean Samieux St-Fleur/ Pa Ret Chita Gade

25) Hugues-Kapè Mondésir / Platfòm Oganizasyon pou Ideyal Boisrond TONNERRE (P.O.I.B.T)

26) Francia Felix / Fanm Vanyan k ap Lite pou Sove Souvrènte Ayiti (FAVAPSSA)

27)  Dr Yves Dorestal/ Professeur à l’Université d’Etat d’Haïti (UEH)

28) Jacques Adler Jean-Pierre/ Poète, Journaliste

29) Kébert Bastien/Artiste engagé

30) Dr Schiler Louidor/ militant politique

31) Me Sonet Saint –Louis/ professeur à l’Université d’Etat d’Haïti (UEH)

32) Armand Joseph Jules/ citoyen engagé

33) Dr  Ilionor Louis, Doyen élu de la Faculté d’Ethnologie de l’Université d’Etat d’Haïti

34) Dr Georges Eddy Lucien/ Professeur à l’Université d’Etat d’Haïti (UEH)

35) Mario Cotty / ESKANP


Amérique Latine et Caraïbes

36) Henry Boisrolin / Comité Democratico Haitiano en Argentina

37) Juan Contreras / Coordinadora Simȯn Bolivar / Venezuela

38) Carlos Aznȧrez / Director del periȯdico Resumen Latinoamericano / Argentine

39) Roberto Perdia / abogado, dirigente de las organizaciones Libres-Rezistir y Luchar / Argentine

40) Norman Briski / actor, Frente Cultural Che Adelita / Argentine

41) Maria Torrellas / Documentalista / Argentine

42) Carina Peralta / Espacio de Género “Domitila Chungara” Red en Defensa Humanidad, Capitulo Argentina

43) Maribel Núñez / Solidaridad Dominicana Con Haiti

44) Manuel Salazar / Partido Comunista del Trabajo (PCT) / République Dominicaine

45) Juan Hubieres / Movimiento Rebelde (MR) République Dominicaine

46) Manuel Martinez / Agenda Solidaridad / République Dominicaine

47)  Josee Aracena/Militancia Revolucionario Socialista, Republica Dominicana  (MRS)

48) Narciso Isa Conde / Movimiento Caamañista (MC) République Dominicaine

49) Pedro José Ruiz/Ligua Revolucionaria Socialista (LRS)

50) Mȯnica Riet / Coord. Por la Autodeterminacion del pueblo Haitiano / Uruguay

51) Andrés Olivetti/ Coordinación Por la Autodeterminación del Pueblo Haitiano/ Uruguay

52) Mirtha Guianze / Abogada, defensora de DDHH / Uruguay

53) Eduardo Rubio / Ex diputado de la Republica por Unidad Popular / Uruguay

54) Maria de los Ȧngeles Balparda, Radio Centenario cx36 / Uruguay

55) Jorge Ramada, Ingeniero Quimica, militante sindical / Uruguay

56) Daniel Gatti, periodista / Uruguay

57) Jorge Daniel Diaz Fernȧndez / periodista, director de Radio La Zurda de Uruguay


Europe et Amerique du Nord

58) Modeline Michaud / Fédération de la Diaspora Haïtienne d’Europe 

59) Sem Supre / Mouvement des Haitien.e.s de France pour le Respect de la Constitution

60)  Jhonny Estor / Renaissance-Haiti, USA

61)  Renel Exantus/Regroupement des Haïtiens de Montréal contre l’Occupation ((REHMONCO)

62)  Robert Ismaël et  Antonio Artuso/Cercle Jacques Roumain, Montréal

63)  Alain St Victor et Célia Romulus/Coalition Haïtienne au Canada contre la Dictature en Haïti(CHCDH)

64)  David Turpin/ Anti-War Comminitees in Solidarity with the Struggles for Self-Determination, USA

For authentication:



 Henry BOISROLIN ( / Comité Democratico Haitiano en Argentina

Camille CHALMERS ( / PAPDA  


[1] le Pacte international relatif aux droits économiques, sociaux et culturels et le Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques –

[2] Les Actes sous le règne Jean-Jacques Dessalines, ed Presses Nationales d’Haïti, col .Angle Droit, p. 10



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